Well...I WAS going to write this really funny blog, and then go on about my day, but I did something really bad, and I am now punished. It's all part of our new method of Christian Domestic Discipline. Me and Scotty went to this website... http://christiandomesticdiscipline.com/Home_Page.html
Christian Domestic Discipline, or CDD for short! It turns out that I am a poor, weak, feeble minded female, who needs a man to spank her, or I will go astray. What a hot, steaming bowl of elephant piss. By the way, before we begin our rant today, it is myself as well as Scotty who will be ranting...Here are my thoughts....
As a weak, feeble minded female, I can't help but wonder what in the hell is wrong with these women who actually submit to it. Now I'm not above taking a tap on the ass once in awhile...but that is purely a sexual thing...see at least *I* can admit it. These women who talk about how CDD is the best thing since war and famine, err...sunshine and rainbows!, need to seriously get in to our decade. Back in the "good ole days" it may have been ok to beat the fuck out of your wife...excuse me I mean "Lovingly" beat the crap out of your Christian Domestic Discipline partner...err something like that...Anyways it may have been ok to do that then, but unless it's purely sexual, people tend to call that abuse. You know...because it IS. Ok, let's pretend this is an alternate universe where I would actually allow myself to be "disciplined" by my husband. Why would I be punished exactly? Oh of course! So I will not stray from god's way, and so that I will stay a good girl. PEOPLE, YOUR PARENTS WERE THE ONES WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO PUNISH YOU FOR BEING BAD, BACK WHEN YOU WERE UNDER THEIR THUMBS! I mean come on, we were taught as children by our parents, disciplined by our parents, and some of us actually learned. Parenting 101, It is a parent's job to teach their children what's wrong and what's right. Yeah, I get that people go astray, but men go astray too, they are not perfect either. Yet these women still think they need to be disciplined for going astray. All in all, I think this is some big cover up for a ring of sexually starved Christians who just want to be spanked.
Scotty's view...
When I found this site, after I wiped thears from raucous laughter from my eyes, I poured over it, trying to find at least a HINT of logic to it. I found none, just a bunch of scared little girls, afraid to decide right and wrong for themselves. Yes, I need to reiterate: this idea is being put out there by WOMEN. It is a woman who runs this site: Leah Kelley. Most of the posters on the message board are WOMEN. What the HELL??? And to make it even more hilarious, there was a post by one woman, a free thinking woman who was an attorney, telling these women they needed help. They called this woman a WITCH. No, they didn't spell it wrong: a witch. What happens to a person that makes them feel so small, so stupid, that they believe that they can't judge for themselves what is right and wrong? I am trying to be a little tongue in cheek here, but it is so bewilderingly insipid an idea that I don't know where to begin. So, I'll just leave it to you guys. Take a look at the site. The sad humor is right there at the surface for all to see.
Scotty and I have decided that we are going to take the opposite stance on this...and not just disagree...but whenever Scotty strays, I get to beat the holy hell out of him...or at least I will try to beat the holy hell out of him...I think it will be long before anything I could do would actually hurt or punish him in any way. But hell, it's worth a try! lol Hope you have all been entertained...Love Ya'll!!!!! OUT!
I feel the need to make a comment to people saying that if you are anti-police then you obviously are doing something wrong...please shove those comments up where they belong...and you know where...because let's face it, that logic can also be turned around to the police. Many people on this board have stated it...but don't put police officers on a pedestal from the "citizens" Because the truth is that a badge isn't a magical badge that allows you to never have to follow laws. In Fact, it is a magical badge that says you should DEFINITELY be following laws of our country. To be honest, if they break the law they really should be penalized with bigger punishments, because they really should know better.