Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A new day has come

Ok, so it hasn't come YET, and it's not just a day, it's a new year. I've been wanting to write a blog about a few things. For one, there was something that has been churning in my heart to say, to sort of help to cleanse my soul of all negativity, but seeing as how some people can be childish and petty, I decided not to write it. Then I was going to write a blog about the adventure Scotty and I had just this past weekend. I'm still going to write it, just felt this blog was more important to write, and especially before the new year. I decided I'm going to share some of my memories from 2008. Now, memory is a luxury for me, because mine is horrible. I'm not even exaggerating. I have trouble remembering the past week, let alone the past year. However, there are some things one can not forget that has happened over the past year. First I'll start with the low points, and with that, here are some celebrities that have died in the last year, whom I know of, and felt to give special mention...

Heath Ledger - Charlton Heston - Harvey Korman - George Carlin - Dody Goodman - Estelle Getty - Bernie Mac - Isaac Hayes - Paul Newman - Eartha Kitt - Vampira - Majel Barret-Roddenberry - Bettie Page - Bo Diddley - Michael Crichton - Sir Edmund Hillary - Don LaFontaine - David Groh - Kermit Love - Robert Prosky - Paul Benedict - Gary Gygax

...Now onto my personal experiences this year. This year had a lot of high and low points for me. Alot of sad times, alot of pissed off times, and alot of happy times. Alot of memorable, and important moments in my life occured this year. And for the happy times, and for those memorable moments, 2008 will be one year I will think about and remember for all of my life. Up until February 29th, I was living with my parents, and on that day I moved out. Not just down the road. Not across town. Not even across the county or state. But 4 almost 4 and a half hours away to Pennsylvania. To live with the love of my life. That held 2 very big moments. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a child, and I could and did do all of the things "adults" could do already. But actually moving out, on my own was a wonderful experience for me. Now I wasn't technically alone, which brings me to the second big moment in my life. Moving in with the boyfriend. I admit that the last few days, packing to leave, I was a bit nervous. I was 20, had boyfriends before, but never lived with one. Sure I was hanging out with one or two of my past boyfriends all the time, but that is DEFINITELY not the same as living with one. We ended up having to move back to Michigan about April, which is good and bad. Good to be around family, but bad because we're living with family right now. Not because of the family but because of not being able to have our place to call home. Which hopefully we can take care of in this new year.

I had had confidence in that we would get along, and just knew things would work out. But, at the same time I kept wondering if I was going to be a pain in the ass to live with, and really wasn't all that sure how I should act, or how he was going to act. I had boyfriends who either didn't care as much for me as I did for them. Boyfriends who were or at least acted so crazy that my family and friends were worried he might kill me, to the point of tracking us down to come to my rescue, because I had forgotten my phone in my car when going to visit him for the night (Which by the way, I never thanked them for thinking of me, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you AJ, Bobby, Andy, and the others that came, thinking back it really means alot that you cared enough to worry about me.) I even had a boyfriend who cheated on me, or rather with me. There were one or two that I would say were great guys, that I messed up things for, because things had changed, feelings had changed. So, going from all the messy relationships I'd been before, to one with someone who I loved and was loved by unconditionally felt so good. I just did not want to mess things up in any way, and was just so scared I would. Luckily, I haven't messed things up so far, because on June 12th, we married, and as far as I'm concerned, haven't looked back.

While I'm on the topic of marriages...When Scotty and I got married, I gained a mother-in-law, who thinks I am avoiding her when I hand over the phone to Scotty when she calls. (Which by the way I promise you I am not, I've just never been much of a phone talker. Just to let you know ma!), a father-in-law, who after me telling him to bite my ass a hundred times plans to do just that!, 2 sister-in-laws, one of which I've met and hung out with, and the other whom I feel is the sister I never had, and a neice in nephew, which according to my brothers I will never get from them. But just a month later, on July 19th, I gained another sister-in-law. My brother married his girlfriend of 3 years, Nikia, FINALLY! lol. A lot of new and awesome family members have been added to my family, or I've been added into their family, well legally anyways. Technically they were all already family.

Unfortunately this year hasn't been all sunshine and candy, I've learned some good things about some people, and some bad things about others. Lost some friends and family members due to fights and lies. Which btw, if any of those people are reading this right now, I'm not attacking anyone, so don't even start anything, I don't need it, and I'm over it. I'm done fighting, I just want to be left alone.

There have been many ups and downs this year, but all in all it wasn't too bad a year. My one true regret this year is that Scotty and I didn't get to make it to Mississippi to spend time with his family. Luckily I feel next year will be an awesome year, and that we'll get to Mississippi, and/or vice-versa. Now for my New Years resolutions...

1. Find a job to work until...
2. Get my graphic design business up and running
3. Finish books I've been writing for years
4. Lose weight, yes I know that it's a typical resolution, but it's not just an idle resolution for me, it's a mission
5. Scotty and I moving into our own place
6. Get to Mississippi finally to meet my in-laws!
7. Scotty and I having a real wedding, with all or most of our family and friends there, on our one year anniversary, since we weren't able to afford one when we got married.

...I'm sure there are more I want to do, some more personal than I'd like to share, and others I can't think of at the moment, but those will do for now.

Lastly, I'd like to say Happy Holidays to everyone! And just want everyone to know how much they have touched me, and how much I love them. I'd name names, but I'd forget them, not that there is a lot of them, just I'm bad about forgetting names. So if you're not sure if I am talking about you, ask, I'll let you know.

Here's a special song to all of you that hate me...


Here's a special song to all of you that love me...

to my love...our song...



Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's not the end of the world

Ok, this blog is about the election, I apologize to all, but there are some things that need to be said to people. First of all, there is ABSOLUTELY no need for childish whiny behavior because your candidate lost, and there is ABSOLUTELY no need for the excessive boasting everyone is doing because their candidate won. Whether you like Obama or not, he won, get over it. Yeah it's only been a day, but he won, that's all there is to it, sorry but it's true. Also, I have to say, that despite what everyone seems to be saying, neither Obama, nor Mccain were for abortion, or allowing gay marriages. Well, one or both may have had personal opinions about the matters, but everything has to go through congress, first of all, before it can go through the president elect. Second of all, both would be stupid to actually admit to being on one side or the other of either issue, because they have become such big issues that it could have cost an election to take either side. Also, people need to drop the whole abortion and gay marriage debates anyways, because though they are important, we should be focusing on other issues, like money. The economy is already shit, kiss my ass if you dissagree, because if I (or Scotty)wasn't lucky enough to have family members that care, we would be out on the street right now. It's not by choice. I don't even have a job right now, but I want one, but we don't have a car of our own right now, because everything is already so damn expensive. Luckily the gas prices are going down. But, to all you people who think it's the end of the world because Obama won, and he's going to raise taxes....shut the fuck up...because Mccain would have raised the taxes too, don't think he wouldn't have, he's a republican, and despite what everyone wishes to be true, and what should be true, neither candidate is really running for themselves, they are running for their party. Their parties are supporting them and backing them, now do you really think they want someone going in there that is going to go against the party? HELL NO. Just so it's known, I didn't back Mccain or Obama, and I'm not only attacking Mccain supporters, I'm attacking both in a way. Because truth be told, just because I think that people are going way too extreme acting like Obama being elected means the world is going to end, there are others who are going extreme in acting as if Obama winning means that jesus is coming back. Also, yeah this election was important, because all elections are important, and yeah it was HISTORICAL because we were either going to have the first black (half-black technically) president, or a women VICE-President, but that DOES NOT in ANY stretch of the imagination make it more important than any other election. Now I got a lot of flack because I chose not to vote, and you know what, I am PISSED that people felt the need to act the way they did towards me without even trying to hear my opinions on it, and just wrote me off as a lazy ignorant person. But I am SO much more angry with the same people, and others for their childish behavior, something I was pretty much accused of, over my personal beliefs. But I haven't attacked anyone else's beliefs about this whole election until now. Because I'm sick of just sitting here listening to everyone fight with eachother, and stop being friends over this damn election. I'm sorry, but that is the opposite of what should be happening right now. We should be working together, and I would have said that if Mccain had won. One of the biggest problems in this country is that people want to be childish about everything, and won't work together. They are poor losers, and instead of backing our soon to be leader, let's just bad mouth him and act as if he is going to ruin our country though deep down we know that our country is already ruined, and both candidates would have been good for our country. The last thing I have to say is to those that claim racism against the obama supporters. You know what, Just 5-10 minutes away is a city called TOLEDO. Toledo has some good people living their, but then they also have a couple of gangs, and bigger yet, they have a bunch of Neo-Nazis, and Black Panthers. Now, don't get me wrong, they are nothing like the original Nazi's or the Black Panthers, because what they Nazi's were against was not the same as the black people-hating Neo-Nazi's that exist now, though they were much worse than the Neo-Nazis, they are not the same despite what Neo-Nazi's think, and the Black Panthers aren't fighting oppression anymore, they are just fighting. However, they do exist, just 5-10 minutes away. The Black Panthers supported Obama, and the Neo-Nazi's supported Mccain. Guess who threatened to riot if their candidate lost? BOTH of them. That's right, racism slithers both ways. So stop acting as if it's all coming from one candidates supporters and not the others. Honestly, if this pissed you off, too damn bad, all that I said was the truth. If you don't agree with it, that's fine, it's your opinions, and i will respect them, but there are still better ways to voice your opinions than to fight to the point of losing a friend over something that should mean maturity, and instead is a mask of maturity over insensitivity and immaturity.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chapter Two

Chapter 2: Stocking Up

Callisto ended up sitting across from the table from Aleda and Elda drinking and talking for hours. Finally when Aleda and Elda were both rocking back and forth singing the "Most Beautiful Flame" song over and over again, Callisto along with a girl that looked about her age, quieted them and dragged them into Elda and Diah's home, which was a sort of appartment above the resturant. Callisto helped the girl close up the tavern after the last couple of patrons finished eating and piled out.

Once everyone was gone, the girl pulled out a wand and pointed upward. A flash of light appeared for a split second. When Callisto could see around her again, the tables were cleaned off, and all the chairs were pushed in. Callisto unintentionally let a "wow" escape. The girl laughed "I supposed you're not used to magic then?" Callisto blushed "Yeah, I am a mystic myself, only I just found out recently. Aleda is going to train me at it though!" The girl laughed again "Probably not tommorow though, I'll bet she won't want to get out of bed. Anyway, I'm Elda's daughter Diah." Callisto offered her hand but drew it away as Diah gave her a strange look. "Callisto is my name, Aleda is my err...Well she's my godmother."

Diah looked puzzled for a moment but then shook her head and said "Well, I remember Aleda, great lady, and if you're connected to her in some way, I'll bet you're pretty nice yourself. And since Aleda is a good old friend of my mums, I'm sure she won't mind if you guys stay, you know, considering Aleda and my mum are probably passed out by now anyways." Diah and Callisto walked up the stairs to find that Elda was asleep on the floor, and Aleda asleep on a couch. Diah and Callisto helped Elda to her room, and Diah set up the guest bed for Callisto.

The next morning, Callisto awoke to a wonderful smell. She followed the smell into the kitchen. The walls were stone, and there was what looked like a cast iron stove, and a water spout that looked like it needed to be cranked. The kitchen looked as if all of it's contents belonged in an old castle, yet something about the positioning of everything seemed to make the kitchen look quite modern. Multiple platters of food sat in the center of the table on one side of the room. Callisto jumped as a loud happy voice hummed into the kitchen. It was Elda with Diah walking in behind her.

"Good Morning! Sit, sit, eat!" Elda said cheerily. Diah and Callisto both sat at the table, as Elda brought a pitcher of some kind of liquid. Callisto put food on her plate, she was so hungry. She could not even remember ever being so hungry. Elda took a drink out of her mug and said "Aleda went out for something, she'll be back by morning. She said she had somethings to take care of, and asked if you could stay with us for the night while she sets up a bit more permanent place for you guys to stay. Now, you can stay up here until she comes, or if you'd like, Diah can show you around town. Either way just have some fun, seems like you need some fun."

Elections...bring out some people's bad parts...

Ok, I did not want to have to write this blog. I have had it on the tip of my fingers for a few days...and I just can't sit on my hands to keep them from writing it. It's time I finally speak up for myself about my not wanting to "Rock the vote". I should probably add that it does not mean I will not vote in the next elections. I am not even going to explain myself for the hundreth time, NO, I need to voice some things plaging me. I'm sorry but some people need to realize that stereotypes are stupid, and that they shouldn't base all people of a certain age, color, position, gender, etc. on other people of that age, color, position, gender, etc. ESPECIALLY when they obviously do not know the person well. I am young. I'm white. Blonde. and I'm a female. So stereotypically, I should be self-involved, lazy, rich, stupid, a borderline alchoholic and a really terrible driver right? OH HELL NO. I'm poor, I care WAY more about others than I do myself, I don't drink or party much if at all. I'm not a bad driver, I at least know which side of the road to drive on and that red means stop, green means go. But most of all I'm much more intelligent and mature than people want to give me credit for. Yes, I joke, and can do some immature things at times. And my mind is running so much that I seem ditzy a lot. But ultimately, there are plenty of people older than me that want to think they are so much more intelligent and mature because their age says so...but just because you're older than me DOES NOT mean you outrank me in the great pyramid of maturity and intelligence. Anyone who can think me dumb and naive just because I'm 21 and not 31 or 41, etc. needs to back off from me, because you obviously know nothing about me. I'm not claiming that I'm more mature or more intelligent than anyone, but I'm just sick of people trying to play the age card in order to bring down my beliefs. It's ridiculus, and it's MY beliefs...there is no reason to tear me down just because I won't succumb to believe in what everyone else believes in. Now people need to understand that I have not said anything above to upset or anger anyone, I just needed to get that out, considering most people won't even let me explain myself before they hush me as if I'm a toddler talking to adults.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

chapter one-a beautiful flame

Sika and Aleda looked at eachother, and Sika replied "err...I have some
bank stuff to uh take care of, see ya later!" and she ran off. Aleda
followed after Sika into the bank, leaving Callisto awe struck for a
second. Finally Callisto ran into the bank as well. "What did she mean by
'your niece doesn't know I'm a vampire'?" she asked as she caught up with
Aleda. Aleda looked around for an open teller and said "You know, she's a
vampire silly. We already went through this."

Callisto caught Aleda in her hands "You know what I'm talking about. Why
did she call me your niece?" Aleda let out a long sigh. "Alright, alright,
alright, I didn't want to give you so much information in one day, but.
Yes, I am your father's half-sister. He is part Fairy." she whispered.
"Well, why couldn't you tell me that?"
"Because it's a secret. The queen ordered it to stay secret because fairies
and mystics are not supposed to date, much less have children. It worries
the other mystics, because when you put two different types of magical
beings together and they procreate, well, the child could end up with
ultimate power."

Aleda cleared her throat, and she led Callisto to some benches far away
from the people waiting in the teller lines. "Now, your father's power
wasn't so powerful because of that, he was really just that talented, but
at the time the queen wanted to protect Phoenix. Plus, the mystics were
already starting to worry about him being so powerful, and mortals,
mystics, vampires, fairies, trolls, and furies alike all creatures that is.
They tend to fear or even sometimes hate what they have no understanding
of. The mystics worry that if a child of two magical beings is born, that
it may become evil, and that it will destroy this realm and take it over."

Callisto leaned back and let out a deep sigh. "Don't worry though, we just
need to keep that our little secret, as to keep you safe. I mean, you
already have enough of a reputation due to the visions your father had.
Now, let's go get some money so we can get our supplies!" Callisto smiled
and as Aleda made her way back into the lines, Callisto followed her.
Though she was not with one of her parents, a blood aunt was good enough
for her, and she felt as though everything was going to work out, for the
first time.

The line seemed to go much faster in this world than any line Callisto had
ever been to. It took only a few minutes to get to the front of the long
line, and when they stood before the bank teller, some kind of sack was
already sitting on the desk waiting, as though the teller somehow had read
Aleda's mind. The woman behind the desk suddenly spoke up and said "Yes, I
can read your thoughts" and she smiled and gave a wink as Aleda pushed
Callisto out of the way. "Vampire tellers" she said as though it were a
natural thing to be elbow to elbow with vampires.
Callisto followed Aleda outside where a stone statue now stood where she
had first seen Sika. She shook her head and continued following Aleda.

Aleda led Callisto to what looked like a tavern out of some kind of
Princess and knight type of movie on the outside. As they walked into the
building, which seemed bigger on the inside than it had been on the
outside. Callisto asked Aleda about it, and Aleda just replied with "That's
how we save space in Ariland." The inside was gorgeous, and looked like the
inside of a fancy resturant. The only difference from the mortal world
fancy looking resturants, seemed to be the people and the food. It was if
they served anything you could ever dream of.

A short older woman with a flowery robe on walked up to them, wand in hand.
"Just the two of you eating tonight?" She said with a sickeningly sweet
voice. "Unfortunately yes Elda" Aleda replied. The older woman looked
confused, but she led them to a table. "How did you know my name young
lady?" Aleda laughed "I can't believe you don't remember your favorite
employee ever!" "Orabella Sona?" replied Elda. Aleda raised an eyebrow and
said "Err...No, I'm talking about 25 years ago." Elda laughed "I'm just
kidding with ya Aleda, of course I know who you are. I'd have to be some
kind of nut to not remember the singer who brought in all my business in
the good ole days!"

Elda and Aleda seemed to go on for hours talking about the old days.
Finally, Callisto cleared her throat. She had not meant to seem rude, she
did not even realize she had done it, and even looked around thinking
someone else had joined into the conversation. The two women looked up, and
Elda seemed to look a bit annoyed, but she cleared her throat too and took
their orders and went off to the back.

Aleda brought the bag out. "This is some money from your personal account
in the 'Blodd Bank.' Your father had started it five years before you were
born. He and your mother were not even together yet, but he foresaw your
birth. Anywho, you have access to it now, unlike in the mortal world. The
mortal world seems to think they have to put an age on adulthood, but we
here in Ariland have decided that adults are made not aged. Since some
people grow up young, and others never grow up, we just pretty much erase
the whole age limit thing."

Things got quiet for a while as they waited on their dinner. They sat
listening to the musician on the stage. A harp stood next to the woman, the
strings vibrating without being touched, and the woman sang a beautiful but
somewhat sad song.

"this is the Tale of the beautiful flame
the most beautiful flame in Ariland
and though the evil breeze came
It only made the fire expand

The most beautiful flame set out on a quest
to sabotage the hard blowing wind
though power and strength it possessed
The evil one was quite chagrined

Most beautiful flame has quite a chance
Against the strong opressing air
All could be disordered by a secret romance
leaving all of ariland in dispair

The sisters of foresight seem to disagree
About that most beautiful flames fate
But all will know the glorious story
Of the Ariland fire the wind seemed to hate"

Aleda laughed as the people around them applauded. "What's so funny?" said
Callisto, who clapped along with the others in the crowd. Aleda stopped
laughing and looked at her, as she realized Callisto seemed to like the
song. "Well, it was a beautiful story, it's just...well, it was terribly
written. And it was more like that woman tried harder to rhyme it than to
actually tell the story!" she replied finally.

"Well, I liked it! So" said Callisto sticking out her tongue at Aleda. They
both ended up laughing as Elda walked up giving them strange looks. Elda
tapped the table and for the first time Callisto realized there had been
plates floating behind her. The plates set themselves down onto the table
in front of them. Aleda and Callisto both thanked Elda and she went back to
serving plates at other tables.

"Besides, you really should be getting some of those tips she is getting."
said Aleda after taking a drink from a cup of some mysterious foaming
beverage. "Why's that?" replied Callisto, taking a bite of her food. "The
song is about your father's prophecy. It is what your name means in this
world. 'Most beautiful flame'."

chapter one-family in our midst?

Aleda flicked her wand and Callisto's shirt was dry again. "Don't cry, maybe if we can get your powers toned a bit better, you will have your fathers gift and be able to control it. We could find out who is responsible for your parents death!" Callisto stood up. "Yes!" she replied and she put her hands on her hips as though she were superman. "I will work hard and avenge my parents!"

Aleda could not help but laugh. "What's so funny?! This is serious!" Callisto said angrily. Aleda covered her mouth and replied "It's just...well, who are you supposed to be? Superman?" Aleda laughed again. Callisto looked confused for a second. She looked down at the ground. Seeing her arms she put them down and turned bright red.

It was still daylight, in fact it was early afternoon, so Aleda got rid of the invisible bubble and they continued walking. Aleda had informed Callisto that they needed to get to the city as soon as possible. For if they were to begin training, Callisto would need a few important items. They traveled for what seemed like hours, though it really only was a little over an hour, until finally hitting the gates of Demi Medina, a small, but greatly traveled city.

Callisto was in awe of the city. The buildings were small as well, but they looked a lot like miniature castles, only with modern looking doors and windows. Aleda led Callisto down the main street where there were shops that had windows larger than any front window of any mortal store. In one of the shops to her right was a magical candy shop. In the window the glowing sign said "Le Olde Candy Shoppe!" Though it seemed like something a mortal candy shop owner would have named his store, at some kind of old fashioned tourist town, as they moved closer, Callisto realized the name of the shop was made of floating, glowing, candy.

To the right was a clothes shop, with what looked like mannequins in the window with some kind of thin robe on. As they walked up to it, the mannequins turned into perfect copies of Aleda and Callisto. "Now they know how to advertise! I'd look so good in that!" said Callisto excitedly. Aleda smiled, "Come on, we'll come back after we hit the Blodd Bank!" "The blood bank? Are we going to sell our blood for money? Do they use needles like in the mortal world?" Callisto replied. Aleda laughed "No, the B-L-O-D-D Bank. It's the Sika Blodd Bank and trust!" "Oh," replied Callisto although she still looked kinda confused.

Down the roadway was a large sign that said "Flea Market!" "Hey! Now that's somewhere I'd really love going! I used to go to the flea market every weekend with my err mortal mom and dad!" This time Aleda looked confused. "I was always with you, watching over you, but I don't remember ever going to a flea market. Honestly, I can see why some wizards would...but why in the world would mortals...Why would anyone really want to buy fleas?" Aleda shrugged then started flying on. Callisto following. Finally Callisto realized "They sell actual fleas in there?" Aleda laughed "What else would they sell at a flea market?" Callisto just shrugged, thinking it best just not to continue with the conversation.

Finally they were in front of the "Sika Blodd Bank & Trust!" Out front on a pedestal was a woman that looked quite real, but Callisto knew it had to be just a statue with the likeness of the owner of the bank. The woman looked just like the story book kind of vampire. The one that was very beautiful, but also very pale with bright red lips and a smile that looked like she could charm you into sucking your blood. However, as they walked closer the woman moved and called towards them "Well Aleda Phyre! I haven't seen you in...Well in 16 almost 17 years! That's like a small amount of time for me, but still! It's been quiet for way too long around here without Demi Medina's number one music act, and biggest partier!" She turned towards Callisto, not giving Aleda a chance to speak, "And who is this lovely lady! I didn't know you had a daughter!"

Aleda laughed "No, this is Callisto!" she moved in closer and whispered "Phoenix and Sunila's daughter. We've been in the mortal world for the past 17 years, but that's just between us" Aleda moved back next to Callisto and said still somewhat quietly "Sika is a good old friend of mine, and your parents, we trust her with our lives, our money, and our blood!" Aleda and Sika laughed, but Callisto, who was pretty confused by the blood remark just kind of shifted akwardly. Sika smiled "I take it your niece doesn't know that I'm a vampire?"

Callisto tried to hold back her suprise, but was unable to. "You're a vampire!" she said. Aleda looked relieved as she and Sika laughed. "Yeah, but don't worry, I'm not anything like those mortal books, and portable Disque De Simras, what do you call them...ah yes 'DVDs!' We do drink blood, but we have ways of getting our blood without hurting others!" Callisto looked more relaxed. Then it finally hit her. "Wait, what do you mean niece?!"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

chapter one-more to the story

The Aleda of the present day flicked her wand again. "If I had to guess, I'd say your parents were 2 of the most well known mystics in our world. Even including the queen. Though it was true that your parents were good friends with the queen, and myself, they weren't just known for being good friends to royalty. As you have seen, Your mother was a general of the queens army, and fearless to boot. Your father, was one of the very few mystics that had the gift of foresight. He was also the most powerful clairvoyant mystic. Most only could get visions once in a great while, and even the ones that saw visions every day could not make heads or tails of them without the help of a vision reader. Your father however, he could cause himself to get visions, and they were very clear visions. I was one of the few who he showed any of his visions."

Aleda stopped to allow Callisto some time to let this information sink in, then she swished her wand, and they were back in the bubble sitting around the table Aleda had conjured. "Was that it?" Callisto said with a let down kind of look. "No, there is more, but I'm not entirely sure about all of what I have been told, and it's late. I promise you, that we will talk more once I have found out all that even I do not know of what has occured." Aleda replied.

Both women were quiet for what seemed like hours, until finally Callisto said "But wait a minute! You told me you would tell me about that man back there, and what that was all about."

"Oh, right! Well, that's kind of one of the things I was talking about, but I guess I can tell you of my assumtions. See, I'm pretty sure that was the eldest son of the queen. You see, in the mystic world, the line of succession of royalty is a bit different then in the mortal world you have known for 17 years. In the mortal world, most countries royalty succeed with the men of the royal family. In Ariland, it is the women who are usually in power. The only way the men of the royal family have been able to be King, is if they are no daughters, or if they are the eldest and marry before the queen dies. Now I may be wrong, but I think he may want to take you as his bride, so he can be king whether his mother dies, or is murdered."

Callisto looked at Aleda as if she were crazy. "Ok, I understand needing to get married to become king, but why would he want me as his bride? And how does he know about me anyways? Wasn't he only a few years old when I was born? I mean from the memory you've shown me." Aleda hesitated, as if there were something she had not wanted to reveal. "Well, I am quite certain that all of Ariland have heard of you. I mean you are the daughter of the two greatest mystics ever known."

Callisto swallowed hard. "The two greatest mystics ever?" Aleda smiled, "Well, none could surpass the power they happened to possess." Callisto looked awe struck for a second, and then finally, with a frown she replied "If no one was more powerful than them, how did they die?" Aleda's smile faded, and she looked as if she was afraid to say, but reluctantly she replied, "Well, there are 3 reasons you will be well known in this world. The reason we have already discussed. However, there are two other reasons. You see somehow, word got out of your father's vision. As well as a vision he had before that. Both were about you. It's rumored that the last vision was about you too. I can't say for sure that the last vision was anything like the first two, but at least the first two showed that you would...Well, that you would be even more powerful than your parents."

Callisto laughed, "I don't believe those visions foretold the future. There is just no way I could be more powerful then them. I mean, I just recently found out I had power, and wouldn't I need to train. Or something like that?" Aleda replied "Well, yes, but the mystic powers is more of a birth rite, meaning that your power stems from your belief in your power more than anything."

Callisto played with the food left over on her plate. Her appetite had gone with the excitement of the story. Finally she broke what seemed like the hundredth silence of the night with "Well, what as the last reason?" Aleda looked even more serious now, and she sort of wiped her forehead, as though wiping invisible sweat beads. "Well, your father, when he died, he was having that last vision. It has been widely rumored that this vision of you was a reflection of your power, and that it had been so powerful that it ended up killing him. Now that is just the rumor, no one knows for sure just what happened to your father."

"What about my mother?" Callisto asked, almost unable to speak. Aleda cleared her throat, obviously to stall what she had to say and she continued, "Well, she died in childbirth. See she went into early labor with you. Something quite unnatural in this world, and it seemed you were not going to make it. She used her last bit of life to bring healing into you and she saved your life. That however, I happen to know to be very true. That is why you look so much like her. Not just because of genes"

Callisto closed her eyes, tears falling down her cheeks. "My dreams! They were memories then!" she cried. Aleda flicked her wand, and a box of tissues appeared before Callisto, and Callisto took one and blew her nose. "It was not natural the way she died. I've seen it in my dreams. Someone poisoned her." she said, the tears streaming down so excessively that her shirt was already soaked.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

chapter one continued...

Sorry it has been so long since I've added to the story, I have not been feeling so well. However I made this addition pretty long to sort of make up for it. Here is more of chapter one...

Aleda closed the door and whispered to Callisto. "Callisto! Wake up, we have to get out of here!" she cried quietly. Callisto stirred awake. "Wh...where are we?" she said after looking around. "I'll explain later! We have to get out of here!" She whispered. Callisto stood up and went to the window, while Aleda looked out into the hall through the keyhole. "The coast is clear. Open the window!" Callisto pushed on the window, but it wouldn't budge. "It must be locked!" she cried. She searched around it for a lock. "There's no lock!" Aleda flew over to the window. She tapped the window with her wand, and it quickly opened.

"Hurry!" she said as they heard shuffling outside the door. Both jumped out the window, without even looking where they were jumping. The gravity of that decision was realized when they realized that they were falling far down into rocky water.

Callisto closed her eyes and thought "We're going to die!...NO! We can't die!" Suddenly a flash of light shot all around them. Callisto and Aleda both had their eyes closed, afraid to look. That is, until they realized they were safe, and seemed to be on land. "You saved us Aleda!" Callisto said with more happiness than she thought she had the ability to have. "It wasn't me, I was too scared to think. Hell, I even have wings, I could have just flew out." she replied. "Well, then what just happened?" "You saved us!"

Callisto beamed. "Really? I did that?" she said excitedly. "Yes, we'll talk more about it soon. First we have to get out of here. We're just outside the castle, and I have somewhere I need to take you!" Aleda whispered.

They ran into the forest, Aleda leading the way. It seemed like they had been walking for hours, when Aleda landed onto a flower. "Let's rest here, they won't be able to find us, well as long as I make this area invisible." Aleda flicked her wand, and a bubble appeared around them. "There!" she said, with a note of accomplishment in her voice. "It's been awhile but I still got it!" She said as she did a little celebration dance. Callisto laughed at her.

Callisto's stomach let out a growl of hunger. "No worries! I have almost unlimited power, so what would you like to eat!" Aleda said as she brought her wand up. "Hmm...I know! How about some chicken and dumplings! Ooh! And some broccoli with cheese on top!" Callisto exclaimed. Aleda laughed and swished her wand so that a table with the most delicious looking food that she had ever seen. Callisto and Aleda plopped down on either side of the table, Aleda actually on the table, and they began to chow down. Callisto dropped her fork for a second, as she thought about what was going on.

"Where were we? and Who were my parents? What's going on?" Callisto asked. Aleda sighed. "I knew the day would come when I'd have to give you all the rest of the details. I just hoped it would be much later on. However, I will tell you."

Aleda swished her wand, and a cloud of smoke appeared before them. "Now I can only tell you what I remember. I'm much older than I look, and some memories are broken from the days before you were born. Besides, I don't really know all the details." Aleda flicked her wand again, and a scene appeared inside the fog, as though it were a tv screen.

"This is called a Disque De Simra. It is essentially the only way to view anothers memory without force, and pretty much the only way of doing it without causing damage." She flicked her wand again, and the Disque De Simra began to spin around them, faster and faster, until they were swooped up into a sort of Disque De Simra tornado. Callisto closed her eyes out of fear, but opened them when she realized she was no longer spinning.

They were standing in what looked like a throne room. A few people were on the other side of the room, frozen as if in a paused movie. A woman with dark black hair sat at the throne, a large crown with a star at the top sat atop her head. Standing to her right was a man with bright shiny red hair. He seemed to be a foot or two taller than Callisto, and he was very handsome. He wore a long red cloak with a gold belt around the waist. At first glance Callisto thought the man's ears were on fire, but a closer looked revealed that they were just earring of birds that had the appearance as though they were completely made up of fire. A matching talisman of the bird hung around his neck.

To the right of the queen, stood a woman just as tall as the man, if not taller. She had long blonde hair, that was braided into many small braids. the braids split off into a pony tail on each side of her head. She was quite beautiful, and Callisto felt as though she were staring into a mirror as she looked into the woman's face. The woman wore what looked like a very strong armor suit. It was a saphire blue color, and it looked as though she could wear it in battle, then head off to some kind of party soon after. On her left hand was a quite large saphire ring, with a shiny white band. A pair of saphires dangled from her ears, and an even larger saphire hung around her neck, all matching.

Callisto realized how strange it was to be staring at these people, as they stood or sat frozen in place, and she turned to Aleda. "So where are we?" she finally said. But Aleda didn't move. Callisto ran to her "Aleda!" she cried. She heard Aleda's laugh behind her. "That was me almost 20 years ago!" she said. Callisto shot her an angry look. "Ok, ok, ok!" Aleda said in an apologetic way.

"This is a couple of years ago. This really doesn't have alot to do with what happened to them, but I figured you would want to see what your parents looked like, before they were married." Aleda flicked her wand, and they stood in the same room, only the queen was standing in front of a woman in a beautiful white dress, and a man in a black cloak. "This is the day they were married" Aleda said, and she flicked her wand again. This time the people went into movement.

Her parents said heartfelt proclamations of love, and the queen pronounced them married, and as they kissed, the crowd around them cheered. Aleda flicked her wand again and they were still in the throne room, only this time, the queen held a baby girl in her hands, two little boys sat in front of her. Callisto's parents still stood beside the queen on each side, though they could not take their eyes off eachother, and her mom rubbed her stomach.

"This is where our story begins!" Aleda said, almost excitedly. She flicked her wand, and the scene began to play. Aleda from that time ran into the room. "Your majesty!" she exclaimed almost out of breath and she bowed. "It seems the Furies are at it again! They are storming the castle and we're having trouble holding them back!" she said. Callisto's mom stepped forward. "No Sunila!" said the queen and Callisto's father at the same time. The queen finished with "You are with child, you should not be fighting in your condition!" Sunila crossed her arms "It is my job Queen Denali!" she exclaimed. Both the queen and Callisto's father tried to argue but a look from Sunila told them they wouldn't win. "Very well then, go take care of it, but the minute you find yourself in danger, retreat!" the queen said, with a look that told Callisto that it was unlikely that Sunila would retreat, whether she was in danger or not.

As Sunila ran off out the door, the queen looked at Callisto's father, who seemed quite worried. "Nothing to worry about Phoenix, she is a good warrior, and she has never lost a battle. Even in her condition she will come back victorious!" Phoenix's spirits seemed to raise and he smiled. Aleda had still been in the room, seemingly waiting for orders. The queen bowed to her, which told her it was ok for her to go off and help Sunila. But as Aleda turned to leave, Phoenix fell to his knees in agony. He held his head and was screaming something about Sunila, and something about a baby.

Aleda turned back towards the screaming, but Phoenix had already gone quiet. Tears in his eyes, he stood. "What did you see Phoenix?" said the queen curiously. "My wife, dying in childbirth." he said, though it seemed there was something he was not mentioning. "Please excuse me your highness, I need to go and write of this prediction, and do some anti-fate excersizing." he said quickly before heading out of the room. "Aleda, your a good friend of Phoenix's please, go find out what it is that he has left out of the story!" the queen said as she tended to the baby in her arms.

Aleda and Callisto followed the past Aleda to a quite large house not far from the castle. Past Aleda knocked on the door, and Phoenix answered. "Come, I have important business to discuss with you" Phoenix said almost impatiently. Phoenix wrote on a scroll for a few minutes until finally it was filled, and he rolled it up. He wrote something on it, then handed it to Aleda.

"I am appointing you guardian of my unborn child. In case something should happen to my wife and myself." He said finally. Aleda replied "Is that what you saw in that vision?" His head dropped, and after a few quiet minutes he finally said "Yes, I saw my wife and myself dying. However, I have also seen my daughter fighting the queens successors. It is not clear who her successor is, but I have seen that my child will become queen, and that she will be the death of the royal family. At least that's what the vision seemed to be. I have not seen the whole vision yet. However, I am quite certain that my wife and myself will not see our child grow into adulthood." he said sadly.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

the beggining of chapter One!

Chapter One: A kidnapping!

Aleda awoke in the middle of the night, a feeling of dread filled her. She looked around to find that Callisto was gone. She could not believe that despite what she had told Callisto, she still went to find the portal. She flew as quickly as she could to the portal, pulling out her wand as she stepped into the park. She hid behind a tree when she saw Callisto. Callisto was not alone. A Fury held her up on its shoulder. Furies were originally part of the fairy clans.

Long ago, the fairies and furies were all one people. That is until the Fairy King's son decided he hated how his father ran things. So he as well as a few of his followers decided to try to overthrow his father. However The Fairy King had known of the plan and the traitors were caught, their powers were stripped away, and they were banished from the Fairy Kingdom. Because the traitors kept trying to return home, the King turned all of them human sized, and changed the way they looked so that they were grotesque and monster like.

Aleda knew how dangerous Furies could be, having lost friends and family to wars with the furies. She had to stay back to survive, and to find out what was going on. She followed the fury into the portal to Ariland, staying back just enough so she could stay hidden from sight of the Fury. After what seemed like an hour of travelling, the fury led it's way to the Ariland castle. It had gone in through a back doorway, which led to a long corridor of rooms. She hid back behind a potted plant as the Fury turned around for a second, then followed on as it went into a room, and came back out just a moment later. It then went into the room opposite the room he had left Callisto.

Aleda snuck into the room Callisto was in to check on her, then flew back out and peered through the keyhole of the room on the opposite side from the room Callisto was in. She heard the Fury talking in it's growling lion like roars "I did the job, now where is my payment!" It said. A voice both very masculine, yet had a feminine feel to it said quietly "Now now Lorcan, calm down, you just got here have a drink! Tell me about her! Is she perfect like the prophecy says?!"

The Fury replied angrily, "Ask herself, what do I look like? Her life story. And I am not Lorcan, that is my king you imbecile. Now I did my job, where is my payment?" "Fine, fine, here!" Aleda saw a man stand and pull a small brown bag out of his cloak. "Prince Narcisco?" She whispered. He emptied the bags contents onto the floor, and the Fury quickly scrambled to pick up the gold coins that had fallen out of the bag. Narcisco laughed "Why thank you for bowing to me!" He pulled a wand out of his cloak "however, I must dispose of you now. I can't risk you telling anyone of bringing the girl back."

"NO!" croaked the fury as a blood red light filled the room, protruding from the wand. Aleda quickly flew back to Callisto, the blood red light still shining through the keyhole, and the cries of the fury still ringing in her ears.

Friday, September 12, 2008

the prologue ends...

I forgot to write last night, plus I needed to end the prologue, so I wrote extra. Next blog will be the start of chapter 1...

Aleda became a good friend of Callisto's. Well, the only friend of Callistos. As she grew older, it became more and more apparent that Callisto did not belong in this mortal world. It may have been that, considering her mortal guardians were much older even for Ariland standards. Or it could be the curse that seemed to be put upon Callisto. However, On her 17th birthday, her mortal father had a heart attack and died. A few months later, her mortal mother had been so grief stricken, that she too had died.

The night after her mother's funeral, Callisto had ran away. Not even Aleda knew where she was, and Aleda had known her exact location for all of 17 years. Callisto had ran away to a city park, where she snuck off to for most of her life whenever she was upset. Her mortal mother had brought her there when she was a baby up until she became old enough to get there by herself. Just last year her mortal parents told her that they had found her here, right underneath the largest tree of the park.

It was a beautiful park, full of trees and laughter, that is until today. It was quiet, and the rain fell heavily on the city. Callisto climbed the largest tree, and sat on the first branch, which was the largest branch. She sat there crying for over an hour, before falling asleep. She awoke to the voices of a couple of her classmates. "Oh look who we have here!" said a girls voice, though it sounded quite manly. "It's Calloser!" Said a boys voice. Callisto looked down to see two musclebound figures, one with longer dark brown hair, the other with short dirty blonde colored hair. Callisto jumped down. "Go away!" she cried.

"Aww looks like wittle calloser's been crying" said the boy. "Maybe I should make her cry more!" replied the girl. "Leave me alone!" Callisto yelled, this time angry. "If I was crazy, like you, I'd think you were demanding us to leave. Are you Calloser?" said the girl. Before Callisto could answer, the girl pulled back her fist and punched forward, hitting Callisto in the face and knocking her to her knees. Callisto stayed down on her hands and knees, blood dripping from her nose. "Come on Calloser, get back up, like the punching dummy you are." said the boy, and then he kicked her in the stomach.

Callisto stood up, rage filling her. She did not even know how it happened, or that it was happening at the time, but suddenly both of the bullies were upside down in the air. As if they were being held up by a giant man. But no one was there. Callisto yelled "You going to call me Calloser again? Want to punch me in the face again!" They raised up higher. Finally Callisto realized how strange this was. She knew she was doing it, but didn't know how. The bullies fell to the ground on there backs. It looked as though the girl was about to say something again, but apparently she had decided not to, as both she and the boy bully ran away.

Callisto looked at her hands, more by what she had seen in movies of people discovering they had some kind of secret power, than for any other reason. Aleda came out from behind the big tree. She had just got back to the area around the tree for the 5th time that day, after searching the city for Callisto. She had only seen from when the girl punched Callisto in the face. She knew it was time Callisto knew who she was, and where she was from.

Aleda told her about the world of Ariland. Told her about her parents, and told her that she was a mystic witch. "My mom and dad, err, my adoptive parents, told me that they found me right under this tree. Is this where the portal to Ariland is?" she said after thinking for a little while. Aleda replied "Well no, it's actually in one of the trees that are far less obvious, but you can't go back. It's dangerous for you in Ariland."

Callisto did not object, why would she want to go to some strange magical land? At least that's what she told Aleda. That night, after Aleda fell asleep, Callisto hurriedly packed her things into a suitcase and a bookbag. She sat below the big tree that had been such a big part of her life. She closed her eyes, and began to try to summon the portal to Ariland. There was nothing left for her in this mortal world, and she wanted to meet people who knew her birth parents. People just like her! She had known for years that she did not belong in this world.

She tried for hours to summon the portal, but she could not find it. Finally she headed off back home, and went to bed as if nothing happened, unaware that she had been followed.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

the story continues, the baby becomes a child.

Prologue Continued....

As word spread about the death of the famed mystic army general, and the baby named for her mother's last words, Phoenix realized he needed to protect his daughter. For it was said that Callisto was the princess of legends. For Phoenix himself had prophesized of a day soon, when the kingdom would be in completely turmoil. He had prophesized the queens children fighting over their mother's crown as if they were rabid dogs after a peace of scrap meat.

He had foreseen the queens death, which would bring about an uprise all around the kingdom. Sisters fighting their sisters, and brothers fighting their brothers, as the kingdom divided in support of each of the queens 3 children. He called his dear friend, a fairy named Aleda, to his home, and told her of what he had seen. He told her of his fears for his daughter, and gave her some instructions to take his daughter to the mortal world, and to watch over her. He had just finished his instructions, when the last of the prophecy appeared to him. He cried out in agony, and fell down dead, before he could share it.

Aleda brought Callisto through the portal to the mortal world. It did not take long before a mortal couple heard baby Callisto crying, and they took her in as her own. Though the mortal couple were quite nice people, Aleda stuck around and watched over Callisto.

Callisto grew up, knowing nothing of her true parents, or of the mystic world of Ariland. Aleda went unseen and unnoticed by Callisto for 12 years. If it had not been for the 15-year-old boys, that always picked on Callisto, she might not have come into view. Aleda had been watching the bullies angrily, trying as hard as she could not to curse them. This particular day, quite possibly by fate, they had decided to get really bad. Normally they would push her a couple of times, call her names, maybe take her money or schoolwork. Today however, Callisto tried her best to ignore the bullies. Tried to act as though they were not bothering her at all, in hopes they would finally leave her alone. It only egged them on more, and they started pushing her harder, until she fell to the ground.

She tried to get back up on her feet, but they started kicking her. Finally Aleda had had enough. She flew in, picked up the biggest of the 3 boys, and threw him on top of the other two. She pulled out her wand and a rather large ogre appeared before them. He picked the three boys up, with one hand, brought his foot back, and kicked them high up into the air. He then turned around, and brought Callisto to her feet, smiled at her and gave a wink, before turning around and catching the three boys.

The ogre set the boys down, but held on to the back of their coats. Before he could so much as yell "boo!" to them, all three started crying, as the front of their pants became more and more soaked. The ogre laughed and said to them "If that scared you, just wait to see what will happen if you pick on that poor girl again. Mark my words boys, you will not come back down from where I throw you next!" He let go of them, and whispered "boo!" They ran so fast, that it was if they had never been there, that is except for the 3 puddles that were left by them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a child is born...the opening of a story by me.

Here is the beginning of the story, tell me what you think.

Prologue:A child is born:

The Blaze family were a typical magical family. Ariland was a typical magical land. That is if you could call magical anything typical. If you happen to be from Ariland, magical people would be awfully typical. Magical anything would be typical. And on a typical magical day, the typical Blaze family expected a typical magical baby. This baby, however would not be a typical magical child. For in Ariland, mystics were the only human-like beings around.

Sunila and Phoenix Blaze, were well-known in the mystic lands. For Phoenix was one of the very few with the gift of foresight. He was also the only one who could control it. Even more well-known, Sunila had been the greatest general in the Ariland Queen's army. Queen Denali Vasska held Sunila in her highest regards, and though she begged Sunila to step down as general whilst in childbirth, she agreed to allow Sunila to continue on as General of her army.

Sunila was a great mystic army general, and very dangerous when angered. Yet as dangerous as she was, she was just as beautiful. With long firey red hair, and beautiful silver glowing eyes. Phoenix was just as handsome as Sunila was beautiful, with shoulder-length dark blue hair, broad shoulders, and gold glowing eyes. Many Mystic people were saddened by their marriage. As was customary in Ariland, Phoenix took Sunila's name as his, and a wonderful ceremony, fit for royalty was held in celebration of their union.

not long after marrying, it was found out that Sunila was with child, and finally, it was time for baby Blaze to be born. The royal healers, and midwife were summoned to the Blaze home, during a delightfully magical day. Hours later, as Sunila held her newborn daughter in her arms, she smiled and whispered "Callisto!" Then her eyes closed, never to be opened again.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Got a funny feeling you don't love me anymore

Ok I am back with another bitching blog. Unfortunately it is about "Celebrities". First of all let me say that the only thing that gives these people this title is the fact that people treat them like they are gods. I'm sorry, but someone has to say it, THEY ARE PEOPLE, nothing more nothing less. Yeah they have millions of dollars most of the time, but other than that, their is NOTHING different about them and us. I'm sorry but I don't feel bad that this one broke up with that one, NO! The only people breaking up that concerns me at all are close relatives and friends. I don't give a DAMN that Madonna and Guy Richie might be divorcing. WHOOPDEE FUCKING DOO that Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey got a divorce. That also includes Britney and "K-Fed", Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe, BENNIFER (Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck), Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston, or even Terry Boleia and Linda Boleia (Hulk Hogan and Linda Hogan). Yeah there is a few celebrities that I think are kick ass, and I'm even guilty of being sad that Shaun Morgan (Lead singer of Seether) and Amy Lee (Lead singer of Evanescence) broke up, and when Matt Hardy and Amy Dumas (Lita) of the wwe broke up. My reasoning is because these people have become a big part of my life, (though I know full well they are unaware, due to the fact they have no idea who I am) because I went through a bit of depression for a long time, and watching wrestling, and listening to music happened to be two big factors in me getting through it. Anyways let me get to the reason I got all pissy about celebrity relationships in the first place...


That is a blog written by a woman, who was giving her reason why these "Celebrities" tend to break up. First of all a small thing to most, but a HUGE thing to me, this woman compares the genius creators of I love Lucy, which made me laugh a lot whenever I used to watch it and still to this day makes me laugh (though I've only ever watched re-runs), Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, to fucking Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey. BIG MOTHER FUCKING MISTAKE. Yeah Nick Lachey is somewhat talented, singing ability wise, but I would not call him a genius in his music. And Jessica Simpson? HELL FUCKING NO. She sorta kinda has talent in singing, but her acting abilities are no better than my own, and I am damn well sure not Lucille Ball. Before any of you think I am a hypocrite, because of what I said before, I most certaintly am not. I am praising Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, because they are both HILARIOUS. NOT because I think either were perfect, or Gods of some sort. Anywho, the other thing that pissed me off about this article, was her idea about these 4 things that possibly kill a relationship between two celebrities. Number one was TEMPTATION. Which is basically supposed to be where your very attractive and married, but this actor/actress your working with is also very attractive, but they are single, so you cheat on your significant other with them. The next was Over-Publicity, which was basically the press putting so much focus out to the "public" about your relationship. One is more famous was the next, which I'm pretty sure explains itself. The last was Overexposed by Reality TV, which explains it self, but I have to point out that it's the same thing as over-publicity. But all that is bullshit. The truth is, they are all human, and it happens. Yeah I'm sure in some cases being well-known, and having a lot of money plays a part in their relationships ending, but that still shows that they are human. So why do these so called "newspeople" allow themselves to report on these "celebrities" relationships, like "no one saw it coming"? Who knows. It's not like the "public" people EVER break up or divorce, right? BULLSHIT! I doubt there is anyone out there who doesn't personally know someone who has been divorced, or knows someone else that personally knows someone who has been divorced. I know plenty of people who have been divorced, HELL my husband was married once before we got married. LEAVE THESE "CELEBRITIES" ALONE! Not because I feel bad for them, but because I'm SICK of hearing ABOUT them. Thank you, Love Ya'll! Bye Bye Then!

P.S. I've decided to include a youtube video from now on, that goes along with my blogs.

Friday, May 23, 2008

No More Drama!

We're gathered here today to recognize liars, and drama queens. No I'm not going to rant about them, but I AM going to define them, and give tips on how to recognize whether you have a drama queen or liar on your hands.

Liar-(via www.dictionary.com)
a person who has lied or lies repeatedly

Tips on spotting a liar-(via http://www.ehow.com/how_2094724_tell-someone-lying.html)

Body language of lies: Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. Hand, arm and leg movement are toward their own body the liar takes up less space.
A liar will avoid making eye contact.
Emotional gestures: Timing and emotional gestures are off pace or unnatural: such as frowning when saying "I love you."
Interactions and reactions: A guilty person gets defensive. An innocent person will often go on the offensive. A guilty person is uncomfortable facing his questioner. He may turn his body or his face away.
Verbal context:• A liar will use your words to make answer a question. When asked, “Did you eat the last cookie?” The liar answers, “No, I did not eat the last cookie.”
• If you believe someone is lying, then change subject of a conversation quickly, a liar follows along willingly and becomes more relaxed. The guilty wants the subject changed; an innocent person may be confused by the sudden change in topics and will want to back to the previous subject.

Drama Queen-(via http://ezinearticles.com/?Drama-Queen-Test:-You-May-Be-a-Drama-Queen-If&id=263968)

You may be a "Drama Queen" (or King) if....

1. Your daily complaints exceed your thanks.
2. You consistently have emotional outbursts everyday.
3. You shout and expect people elsewhere in the home (or office) to come running at your beck and call.
4. You communicate your needs and wants passionately while rarely considering those of others.
5. A bad hair day ruins your day.
6. Your dog hides in fear when you explode and lose it.
7. You are dissatisfied with the gifts you receive from people.
8. You demand that people be clean and on their best behavior at your home (or with your stuff), whereas when you are at theirs you give no such regard.
9. An argument with someone over the phone can throw you into a tailspin with everyone else with whom you interact afterward.
10. You have been called a perfectionist, but are far from perfect yourself.
11. When your nails, hair and appearance are a continual focal point in conversation.
12. Budgetary constraints are deemed to be "controlling."
13. If your expenses exceed your income, you bounce checks regularly and yell at ATMs that refuse to give you money.
14. If being out of control is more important to you than practicing self-control.
15. If you want others to be kind with their use of words while you yourself are careless.
16. If manipulation is your favorite art form.
17. If you run from confrontation and correction.
18. If you go from one guy to the next in an effort to remain continually in control.
19. If using guys to get what you want is pleasurable for you.
20. Your girlfriends call you the B_ _ _ _ word.
21. After your boyfriend buys you a bunch of new clothes, en route to the exit when bypassing another store you stop to look at more.
22. You ask for gifts priced well beyond what you would ever pay yourself when buying for others.
23. You throw things during a temper tantrum.
24. Relatives cringe at your coming.
25. People feel as if whatever they do for you is never enough.
26. You emotional exhaust yourself and others.
27. You cannot live and let live.
28. You must always call the shots and have it your way.
29. Being the center of attention is your primary purpose.
30. You criticize regularly and encourage rarely.
31. You regularly have a meltdown during "that time of the month."
32. You refuse to apologize and take accountability for your words and actions.
33. You cannot forgive and prefer holding grudges.
34. You blame others for your shortcomings.
35. You deflect constructive criticism preferring shallow conversation.
36. You have few close friends who can truly speak into your life.
37. You erect walls to avoid hearing what don't want to hear.
38. You cut people off and out of your life the minute you disagree with them.
39. You stonewall to overcome feelings of insecurity rather than be transparent and discuss your feelings humbly and openly.
40. When you get what you want, you realize you don't want what you've got.
41. You are an emotional bottomless pit, meaning no matter how much you get you are never satisfied.
42. Your lust for attention and affirmation is insatiable, while your love for yourself is minimal.
43. You are impatient and impulsive.
44. You repel the very people who you would most benefit from attracting in your life.
45. You judge by outward appearance rather than looking within to the mind and heart of a person.
46. Fashion is a large part of your self-image, without which you would feel lesser as a person.
47. You compare yourself with others rather than being content.
48. The exterior is given far more attention than your inner world and personal development as a person.
49. What you project outwardly is more important to you than what you possess inwardly.
50. You deem moments of selfishness merely as self-actualization and personal fulfillment.
51. You serve yourself before others.
52. You are quick to speak and slow to hear.
53. You dominate conversations and rarely listen.
54. Difficulties and life challenges easily demoralize you.
55. You demonize people who disagree with you.
56. You seek to be understood before endeavoring to understand others.
57. You easily anger.
58. You sulk in sadness when you don’t get your way.
59. You try to read between the lines to such an extent that you draw meanings and jump to conclusions that are not warranted nor factually based.
60. You expect more out of others than you give of yourself.
61. You don’t manage time. Time manages you.
62. You skip meals to look good, when you could eat well to feel good.
63. You pay close attention to the latest trends in Hollywood.
64. You have numerous parking and speeding tickets, which you’ve still not paid.
65. You don’t hesitate to make demands and give ultimatums.
66. You judge others by their actions and yourself by your intentions.
67. You don't master your moods and emotions.
68. You leverage your good looks to get you everything you want.
69. You care more about looks than character.
70. You practice a “take it and leave them” philosophy.

So are you dealing with a liar or a drama queen? Or are you in fact a liar or a drama queen? If you know someone who is a drama queen or liar show them this list. If you are one...jump off a cliff, shut the fuck up, and stop bitching, EVERYONE is sick of your bullshit and NOONE needs it. Thank you bye bye then. LOVE YA'LL!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

All I'm asking is for a little R.E.S.P.E.C.T.!

Due to some issues a good friend of mine has been going through, I have been inspired to write a blog. It helps me vent for my friend, and gives me something to write about lol. Anywho this blog makes me think of the song "R.E.S.P.E.C.T." by the lovely and talented, Aretha Franklin. Though I doubt there is going to be very many, if ANY of you that has never heard the song...here are some of the lyrics that go along with my friend's situation. (btw my friend's name will not be mentioned because she has asked me to keep her name private so that her family will not have the chance to get after.) Here are some of the lyrics from the Aretha song:

What you want - Baby, I got it - What you need - you know I got it - All I'm askin' - Is for a little respect
I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone - Ain't gonna do you wrong 'cause I don't wanna - All I'm askin' - Is for a little respect
I'm about to give you all of my money - And all I'm askin' in return, honey - Is to give me my propers
I get tired - Keep on tryin' - You're runnin' out of fool - And I ain't lyin' - When you come home - (re, re, re ,re) 'spect - Or you might walk in - And find out I'm gone

...Now that was just little parts from the song, but it fits well with my friend's situation so it works. It really "tans my hide" when people who deserve some respect just don't get any because a lot of people are too pigheaded to realize how they treat other people, and how much some people do for them. Now I'm pretty sure Aretha's song is about a significant other, but it's not just significant others that don't know how to give respect. For example...There are a lot of people who disrespect and even hate service men. If you don't believe in the cause that's fine...but honestly the U.S. would not have been a country as long as it has been without the men and women out their fighting for us.

Sometimes it's our bosses at work. Sometimes it's police officers and firemen and women who don't get the respect they deserve (don't get me wrong I've known a few cops who didn't really deserve any respect, but there are still some cops out there who do actually deserve it) Sometimes it's teachers that don't respect their students and vice versa. Hell sometimes it is even friends or even FAMILY that doesn't show people respect when they deserve it. In my good friend's case it is her family that doesn't give her enough respect. Now the thing is, she doesn't realize how bad her family actually treats her. She bends over backwards for her family members, but they treat her like shit. She told me about how they act as if she is lazy, ungrateful, and just a big pain in the ass. Yet she does SO much for them, and doesn't get ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY not R.E.S.P.E.C. fucking T.! I honestly would kick their asses for the way they treat her, but that would get her in more shit with them, so it'd be basically pointless. In Aretha's song it talks about how she gives her time, her respect, her love her money, and her energy to the person, and what does she want in return? "Just a little bit of R.E.S.P.E.C.T." So to all of you out there who step all over the people that bend over backwards for you, who disrespect those people, and who just don't give a damn about the fact that those people bend over backwards for you...KISS MY ASS! AND YOU SURE AND THE HELL AIN'T GETTING NO R.E.S.P.E.C.T. FROM ME! Love ya'll buh bye!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's for her own good

Well...I WAS going to write this really funny blog, and then go on about my day, but I did something really bad, and I am now punished. It's all part of our new method of Christian Domestic Discipline. Me and Scotty went to this website... http://christiandomesticdiscipline.com/Home_Page.html
Christian Domestic Discipline, or CDD for short! It turns out that I am a poor, weak, feeble minded female, who needs a man to spank her, or I will go astray. What a hot, steaming bowl of elephant piss. By the way, before we begin our rant today, it is myself as well as Scotty who will be ranting...Here are my thoughts....
As a weak, feeble minded female, I can't help but wonder what in the hell is wrong with these women who actually submit to it. Now I'm not above taking a tap on the ass once in awhile...but that is purely a sexual thing...see at least *I* can admit it. These women who talk about how CDD is the best thing since war and famine, err...sunshine and rainbows!, need to seriously get in to our decade. Back in the "good ole days" it may have been ok to beat the fuck out of your wife...excuse me I mean "Lovingly" beat the crap out of your Christian Domestic Discipline partner...err something like that...Anyways it may have been ok to do that then, but unless it's purely sexual, people tend to call that abuse. You know...because it IS. Ok, let's pretend this is an alternate universe where I would actually allow myself to be "disciplined" by my husband. Why would I be punished exactly? Oh of course! So I will not stray from god's way, and so that I will stay a good girl. PEOPLE, YOUR PARENTS WERE THE ONES WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO PUNISH YOU FOR BEING BAD, BACK WHEN YOU WERE UNDER THEIR THUMBS! I mean come on, we were taught as children by our parents, disciplined by our parents, and some of us actually learned. Parenting 101, It is a parent's job to teach their children what's wrong and what's right. Yeah, I get that people go astray, but men go astray too, they are not perfect either. Yet these women still think they need to be disciplined for going astray. All in all, I think this is some big cover up for a ring of sexually starved Christians who just want to be spanked.
Scotty's view...
When I found this site, after I wiped thears from raucous laughter from my eyes, I poured over it, trying to find at least a HINT of logic to it. I found none, just a bunch of scared little girls, afraid to decide right and wrong for themselves. Yes, I need to reiterate: this idea is being put out there by WOMEN. It is a woman who runs this site: Leah Kelley. Most of the posters on the message board are WOMEN. What the HELL??? And to make it even more hilarious, there was a post by one woman, a free thinking woman who was an attorney, telling these women they needed help. They called this woman a WITCH. No, they didn't spell it wrong: a witch. What happens to a person that makes them feel so small, so stupid, that they believe that they can't judge for themselves what is right and wrong? I am trying to be a little tongue in cheek here, but it is so bewilderingly insipid an idea that I don't know where to begin. So, I'll just leave it to you guys. Take a look at the site. The sad humor is right there at the surface for all to see.
Scotty and I have decided that we are going to take the opposite stance on this...and not just disagree...but whenever Scotty strays, I get to beat the holy hell out of him...or at least I will try to beat the holy hell out of him...I think it will be long before anything I could do would actually hurt or punish him in any way. But hell, it's worth a try! lol Hope you have all been entertained...Love Ya'll!!!!! OUT!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To protect and to Unnerve?

Before I begin this rant, I need to state that I am not exactly against cops. There are some good cops out there, I haven't exactly met any, but I will not judge all people who are cops based on what I have seen and heard from other cops. That being said, Let me begin. At the bottom are two links to more information to what I am about to bitch about.

At the top of the blog here you will see the link to "RateMyCop.com",which as of this blog is up and running once again. However, I still feel the need to tell those of you who have not heard of the incident just yet. Plus I still need to voice my opinion on it. Basically what happened is this guy, who happens to own "RateMyCop.com" made the website, which at the time listed First and Last names, and badge numbers, and people were able to go and post about run-ins with whatever cop, as well as rate their Law Enforcement Tactics and their abilities as cops. The guy set up his site on the godaddy.com server. Well, Some cops happened to have heard of the site and got all pissy and whiny and bitchy, and godaddy shut it down. Now, GoDaddy has since tried covering their asses by saying that he exceeded their bandwith and whatever...however what they have yet to explain was the fact that they did not even give the guy notice...oh sorry they gave a whole 60 seconds notice...but you get the point. Which means I will never use godaddy for my provider. But ANYWHO, the Police Officers bitching about the site tried covering their asses by saying that they were worried about all of the officers well being, because the officer's names and badge numbers were listed on the site. Do not get me wrong, I understand the internet can be very dangerous, and you are not supposed to put private information on here, but personally I HIGHLY doubt that is their reasoning in making such a big deal about the site. I honestly believe that MOST of them are doing something they don't want to get caught doing. As it has been said in other places reporting this whole situation, shouldn't they turn their logic of "if you're not hiding something, then what's the problem?" around to themselves. Hell, one of the people who commented on the last link on the bottom of this page, stated he was a retired cop, on the force for 20-25 years, and even HE agreed with the site. i of course commented on one of the sites...because there were a lot of people saying how you shouldn't disrespect cops and that site is just so wrong and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. So my response?

I feel the need to make a comment to people saying that if you are anti-police then you obviously are doing something wrong...please shove those comments up where they belong...and you know where...because let's face it, that logic can also be turned around to the police. Many people on this board have stated it...but don't put police officers on a pedestal from the "citizens" Because the truth is that a badge isn't a magical badge that allows you to never have to follow laws. In Fact, it is a magical badge that says you should DEFINITELY be following laws of our country. To be honest, if they break the law they really should be penalized with bigger punishments, because they really should know better.


that was easier then retyping it so bite me if you don't like it. lol. Anyways that's all I needed to say. Love Ya'll! well most of you anyway haha. PEACE!

P.S. If you think all cops are great, check out these sites...

