Monday, January 12, 2009

There goes my life.

This blog may seem out of left field, as many of my blogs probably do. However, this is not out of left field, just like the others. Lately I've been seeing a lot of commercials for a certain pill. It's a pill called "Plan B". Now if you haven't heard of this pill, it is a now over the counter pill that is basically like taking a large dose of birth control pill. Basically it can't terminate a pregnancy (Though I imagine it would do some damage to the baby if used and already pregnant), but it is supposed to be able to stop it from happening if you have sex and the condom breaks, or you forget a pill or something like that. Ok, they've had it for almost 10 years with prescription, and I'm not sure if it's the same pill or not, but they also had something like it that you could go and take at a Planned Parenting Clinic. Now you may be wondering what exactly this has to do with anything, well I'll tell you. I HATE HATE HATE that we have all of these pills and methods to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy or to stop an unwanted pregnancy. The first problem with that is that most birth control methods are not all that effective. Birth control pills always say they are about 99.9% effective...which means 1 out of every 1000 users of birth control have still gotten pregnant. Now if you put that to a bigger number. Let's say 100,000 women use birth control. That would be 100 out of them that would have gotten pregnant. It may not seem like a lot of chance, but that .1% is more chance than you'd like if you say, don't want kids, or aren't ready for them. Now let's look at condoms. Condoms are only effective until it slides off, or breaks, and it's made out of Either Latex, or polyurethane. Both are made to be durable, but they still have a big chance of breaking. My second problem, and one of the biggest problems I have with all that, is that while these scientists are making newer and more extensive ways of keeping "unwanted pregnancies" out of this world, they could have been coming up with ways to cure say cancer, leukemia, or making it easier to live with them, or helping you to live longer if you have them. Or they could be coming up with medicines for people with mental or physical disabilities. Whether it be to help fix whatever mental or physical disability or to help those people to be able to live easier with their disabilities. But instead they are out there coming up with easier ways for teen girls and boys to have sex and either prevent them from getting pregnant, or to abort the pregnancy. Which is the third problem I have with it. If you are not ready for children, you just should not have sex. Don't give me crap about having needs either, because masturbation is a great alternative to sex. I can admit that sex has been so much better than masturbation, but I know that if I had kids that I am ready. Yes, there are some things we'd need to deal with and take care of first, but I know that it's a possibility and that we could deal with it. But if you aren't ready to have kids, or you couldn't handle it if you did have kids, not having sex is the ONLY sure birth control. The last thing that I have a problem with having so many birth control methods is that yes, there is a larger chance that you won't get pregnant, but with female birth control methods there is 0%, and I mean ZERO PERCENT chance of not getting sexually transmitted diseases. And condoms, well, they can't stop all STD's. I know this is sounding preachy, and maybe a little too "Sex Ed" but I do have my reasonings for all this.

Number 1, I've been watching a show called "Secret Life of the American Teenager". Which involves a 15-year-old girl who had sex with some loser, got pregnant, and her current boyfriend, who is also 15, wants to marry her and they can raise the kid together. Now, the problem is, the girl is a spoiled little brat. She (and the guy who deserves blame in this too) created her own "problem". Yet she has to either give up the baby or work a job, and she has to stay in school, as she is only 15 and schools will not accept dropping out, at least around here, until you are 16. Now, it would be hard to do, but she (and the guy) created that problem for her. Everyone has sex ed by the time you go into junior high, and if you didn't, read the above, I think it says a lot of reasons not to have sex until you are ready. However, she knew that there was a possibility of her being pregnant (before she actually knew), which means she had to at least have had "the talk" with her parents. So she knew what could happen if she had sex, and still did. (Again, the guy also knew and should be held accountable for it.) Yet she had sex, and now she's pregnant. Before any of you start saying "But it's only a tv show." Yes, that is true, it's a tv show, and it's part of the script. HOWEVER, 14, 15, 16, and 17 year old girls do get pregnant, well before they are actually ready to have kids. I know of at least 3 girls who were 15-17 and went and got abortions, because either their parents talked them into it, and/or they just wanted to be selfish and do what's good for them. Hell, even one of them had offers to adopt their baby. It sickens me that people can be so cold hearted as to just destroy a life, and let it go like nothing ever happened. It is a life, and I don't care who thinks abortion is ok, it isn't. It's murder, and no one can convince me otherwise. As far as adoption goes, some people can't have kids and they could adopt the child, but I only condone it if it is for the benefit of the child, not the birth parents. I'm sorry but anyone who wants to make their life easier by getting rid of their "problem" can kiss my ass, because I have no tolerance for that. Some of you may delete me off your lists, some of you may even sent me hate mail for saying that, but it's how I feel. I needed to say it, because I'm so sick of people with the mentality of a rock who feel their needs are more important than everyone else's, especially when it comes to the life of an unborn child, in which they are held responsible for making. You may not like it, but that's just too bad...I still love ya'll anyway!