Tuesday, May 6, 2008

All I'm asking is for a little R.E.S.P.E.C.T.!

Due to some issues a good friend of mine has been going through, I have been inspired to write a blog. It helps me vent for my friend, and gives me something to write about lol. Anywho this blog makes me think of the song "R.E.S.P.E.C.T." by the lovely and talented, Aretha Franklin. Though I doubt there is going to be very many, if ANY of you that has never heard the song...here are some of the lyrics that go along with my friend's situation. (btw my friend's name will not be mentioned because she has asked me to keep her name private so that her family will not have the chance to get after.) Here are some of the lyrics from the Aretha song:

What you want - Baby, I got it - What you need - you know I got it - All I'm askin' - Is for a little respect
I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone - Ain't gonna do you wrong 'cause I don't wanna - All I'm askin' - Is for a little respect
I'm about to give you all of my money - And all I'm askin' in return, honey - Is to give me my propers
I get tired - Keep on tryin' - You're runnin' out of fool - And I ain't lyin' - When you come home - (re, re, re ,re) 'spect - Or you might walk in - And find out I'm gone

...Now that was just little parts from the song, but it fits well with my friend's situation so it works. It really "tans my hide" when people who deserve some respect just don't get any because a lot of people are too pigheaded to realize how they treat other people, and how much some people do for them. Now I'm pretty sure Aretha's song is about a significant other, but it's not just significant others that don't know how to give respect. For example...There are a lot of people who disrespect and even hate service men. If you don't believe in the cause that's fine...but honestly the U.S. would not have been a country as long as it has been without the men and women out their fighting for us.

Sometimes it's our bosses at work. Sometimes it's police officers and firemen and women who don't get the respect they deserve (don't get me wrong I've known a few cops who didn't really deserve any respect, but there are still some cops out there who do actually deserve it) Sometimes it's teachers that don't respect their students and vice versa. Hell sometimes it is even friends or even FAMILY that doesn't show people respect when they deserve it. In my good friend's case it is her family that doesn't give her enough respect. Now the thing is, she doesn't realize how bad her family actually treats her. She bends over backwards for her family members, but they treat her like shit. She told me about how they act as if she is lazy, ungrateful, and just a big pain in the ass. Yet she does SO much for them, and doesn't get ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY not R.E.S.P.E.C. fucking T.! I honestly would kick their asses for the way they treat her, but that would get her in more shit with them, so it'd be basically pointless. In Aretha's song it talks about how she gives her time, her respect, her love her money, and her energy to the person, and what does she want in return? "Just a little bit of R.E.S.P.E.C.T." So to all of you out there who step all over the people that bend over backwards for you, who disrespect those people, and who just don't give a damn about the fact that those people bend over backwards for you...KISS MY ASS! AND YOU SURE AND THE HELL AIN'T GETTING NO R.E.S.P.E.C.T. FROM ME! Love ya'll buh bye!


Eboe said...

It ain't fun being disrespected, especially by family. It's not great being disrespected at work, but it's a hell of alot worse being disrespected by blood.

BadDog said...

Amanda you are a great young lady and dont let anyone keep you down, even if it is me. Keep your head high and tell them all where to go. Love Ya