Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's not the end of the world

Ok, this blog is about the election, I apologize to all, but there are some things that need to be said to people. First of all, there is ABSOLUTELY no need for childish whiny behavior because your candidate lost, and there is ABSOLUTELY no need for the excessive boasting everyone is doing because their candidate won. Whether you like Obama or not, he won, get over it. Yeah it's only been a day, but he won, that's all there is to it, sorry but it's true. Also, I have to say, that despite what everyone seems to be saying, neither Obama, nor Mccain were for abortion, or allowing gay marriages. Well, one or both may have had personal opinions about the matters, but everything has to go through congress, first of all, before it can go through the president elect. Second of all, both would be stupid to actually admit to being on one side or the other of either issue, because they have become such big issues that it could have cost an election to take either side. Also, people need to drop the whole abortion and gay marriage debates anyways, because though they are important, we should be focusing on other issues, like money. The economy is already shit, kiss my ass if you dissagree, because if I (or Scotty)wasn't lucky enough to have family members that care, we would be out on the street right now. It's not by choice. I don't even have a job right now, but I want one, but we don't have a car of our own right now, because everything is already so damn expensive. Luckily the gas prices are going down. But, to all you people who think it's the end of the world because Obama won, and he's going to raise taxes....shut the fuck up...because Mccain would have raised the taxes too, don't think he wouldn't have, he's a republican, and despite what everyone wishes to be true, and what should be true, neither candidate is really running for themselves, they are running for their party. Their parties are supporting them and backing them, now do you really think they want someone going in there that is going to go against the party? HELL NO. Just so it's known, I didn't back Mccain or Obama, and I'm not only attacking Mccain supporters, I'm attacking both in a way. Because truth be told, just because I think that people are going way too extreme acting like Obama being elected means the world is going to end, there are others who are going extreme in acting as if Obama winning means that jesus is coming back. Also, yeah this election was important, because all elections are important, and yeah it was HISTORICAL because we were either going to have the first black (half-black technically) president, or a women VICE-President, but that DOES NOT in ANY stretch of the imagination make it more important than any other election. Now I got a lot of flack because I chose not to vote, and you know what, I am PISSED that people felt the need to act the way they did towards me without even trying to hear my opinions on it, and just wrote me off as a lazy ignorant person. But I am SO much more angry with the same people, and others for their childish behavior, something I was pretty much accused of, over my personal beliefs. But I haven't attacked anyone else's beliefs about this whole election until now. Because I'm sick of just sitting here listening to everyone fight with eachother, and stop being friends over this damn election. I'm sorry, but that is the opposite of what should be happening right now. We should be working together, and I would have said that if Mccain had won. One of the biggest problems in this country is that people want to be childish about everything, and won't work together. They are poor losers, and instead of backing our soon to be leader, let's just bad mouth him and act as if he is going to ruin our country though deep down we know that our country is already ruined, and both candidates would have been good for our country. The last thing I have to say is to those that claim racism against the obama supporters. You know what, Just 5-10 minutes away is a city called TOLEDO. Toledo has some good people living their, but then they also have a couple of gangs, and bigger yet, they have a bunch of Neo-Nazis, and Black Panthers. Now, don't get me wrong, they are nothing like the original Nazi's or the Black Panthers, because what they Nazi's were against was not the same as the black people-hating Neo-Nazi's that exist now, though they were much worse than the Neo-Nazis, they are not the same despite what Neo-Nazi's think, and the Black Panthers aren't fighting oppression anymore, they are just fighting. However, they do exist, just 5-10 minutes away. The Black Panthers supported Obama, and the Neo-Nazi's supported Mccain. Guess who threatened to riot if their candidate lost? BOTH of them. That's right, racism slithers both ways. So stop acting as if it's all coming from one candidates supporters and not the others. Honestly, if this pissed you off, too damn bad, all that I said was the truth. If you don't agree with it, that's fine, it's your opinions, and i will respect them, but there are still better ways to voice your opinions than to fight to the point of losing a friend over something that should mean maturity, and instead is a mask of maturity over insensitivity and immaturity.

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